Association of Television Viewing With

CONCLUSIONS— Our findings highlight the unique deleterious relationship of sedentarybehavior (indicated by television viewing time) and glycemic measures independent of physicalactivity time and adiposity status. These relationships differed according to sex and type ofglucose measurement, with the 2-h PG measure being more strongly associated with televisionviewing. The findings suggest an important role for reducing sedentary behavior in the preventionof type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, especially in women.Diabetes Care 30:516–522, 2007

我們的研究結果突出獨特的有害關係慣座行為(表示由電視观察时间)和体育活动时间和肥胖狀態的糖血症措施獨立。 這些關係根據葡萄糖測量的性和类型不同,當2-h頁措施強烈同電視觀察联系在一起。 研究結果建議減少的慣座行為一個重要角色在第二類型糖尿病和心血管疾病的預防,特别是在婦女。